- Stay away from direct sunlight. Sun protection is absolutely necessary if you want your skin to recover properly from the treatment. If you are unable to avoid the sun or harsh indoor lighting, do apply sunblock to minimize sun damage to your skin. Extra care is required for the first few days after receiving HIFU treatment as the skin is more sensitive and more prone to irritation, sunburn, and pigmentation.
- Avoid hot baths or showers. Exposure to excess heat is not recommended immediately after the treatment as it can aggravate sensitive skin. So, hold off on the saunas, hot tubs, and steam rooms. Hot showers also strip the skin’s natural oils and make it more vulnerable to damage. Instead, opt for cool or lukewarm showers to soothe your skin after treatment.
- Keep away from strong skin products. Skin products containing potential irritants or abrasives like salicylic acids, benzoyl peroxide, retinol products, or vitamin C should be avoided until the skin no longer feels tender and swollen. Use instead a non-exfoliating cleanser and light moisturizer during this time. Makeup can be used if the ingredients are gentle to the skin.
- Wait before exercising. Although HIFU is a non-invasive treatment with zero downtime, vigorous exercise and heavy lifting is not recommended immediately after treatment. During exercise, the body heats up and perspires, which can be uncomfortable for your tender skin at this time. You can resume all activities once your skin feels back to normal.
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